Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On Being the Mommy of a Two Year Old, Part 2

Madeline's birthday was fun. She got some cute little dress up toys and a little Dora doll for her birthday. She also had a little party at datcare, complete with homemade cupcakes. I think she had a good day.

I've been stressed and trying not to write about it here, but I have to. I don't have to, but I am going to anyway. Madeline and I were getting child support checks for just a little while. The amounts were anywhere from $30 to $60 per week. Then they stopped. No word from the state or from the deadbeat. They just stopped. The state sent me a letter telling me that they were looking for him (or his current employer), but no more checks. No deadbeat. For all I know, the guy's dead. Not just living up to his current reputation. He didn't even call on her birthday. Granted, he wasn't there for the birth, so it might be a little hard for him to remember the date. But he didn't call or text or email. Nada. Zip. Zero. Can I call the state and force him to reliquish any rights that he may have at this point? Because, even though I wouldn't have a real conversation with said deadbeat anymore, I'm almost in tears writing this... realizing how much my dad has meant to me, and that he won't ever be a dad. Just a deadbeat. He didn't even call on her birthday.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy, Happy Day

This morning, my darling daughter was doing the same thing at 7:15 am that she was two years ago. Screaming her head off. I just smiled, hugged her, and told her "Happy Birthday." Though, I wanted to cry too. How in the world am I the mother of a "Terrible Two"? Is that even possible? Well, it is. And she's a perfect two year old. In every way. I am truly blessed with a wonderful daughter. I couldn't ask for one better. Happy, Happy Birthday, Princess Madeline. Happy Birthday.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Just Another Day

Madeline can count in Spanish... it's really, really funny. Especially since this mommy hasn't taken any Spanish classes (successfully anyway). I'll have to figure out the whole audio/video clip someday to show you all, but I just got the pictures to work! One thing at a time. Really.

My Uncle Bob (dad's youngest brother) just called, I guess my Aunt Barb (dad's middle sis) is in ICU. Please pray and keep her in your thoughts.

On a happier note-- here's more Madeline pics:

Madeline vs. Marshmellow

My Very own Cat in the Hat

Madeline's Favorite Hat (with one of her favorite uncles in the background there)

Here's the famous "Surprise Face"

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ah, Breathe

Finals are over.

Summer classes begin on Monday.

City wide garage sale is this weekend. I need a dining room set.

I got my summer books via DHL when I ordered them USPS. Darn that extra $12!

I got at least one A and one B for the Spring Semester.

I think I'm going to minor in Spanish. I think.

I have Monday off.

Happy Birthday Harry S Truman.

I haven't set a date for Madeline's party... I'll let you know...

but Finals are over. Spring semester is over. I got at least an A and a B.