Monday, January 22, 2007

Copying off of Jessica....

This was too fun!
Me + Madeline... I hope you can tell the difference!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Redneck Time-Out

I got this in an email from my cousin the other day. It made me laugh out loud (which was quite a feat considering my bitter mood at the time). Enjoy. Note that it is NOT a picture of my daughter. I would not consider doing this to her, unless... No, really, I wouldn't.

In other news, Madeline is taking to potty training like a pro. I'm extremely proud of her. She's really trying. She wants to wear "big girl panties" all the time. She's had a couple of "minor" accidents, but for the most part, she's done wonderfully.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

School, Snow & Ice, Oh My!

1. If you're going to make us come to school, at least finish clearing the sidewalks and parking lots. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

2. Don't tell me that you aren't "making" me come to school. If I skip, I receive what's called an "unexcused absence." I only have three per class. I have already used one, as the university does not require profs to excuse me from class due to my child's illness.

3. See number 1.

4. It's cold. Did you read your thermometer this morning? Did you watch the news and see what the wind chill is? My hair is frozen. Really. It's frozen.

5. See number 1, again.

6. I know it's not the usual practice to call off school for a little ice storm, but you have blocked two of my main and easy-to-remember parking lots. You're short on parking anyway. Where are you going to have everyone park? And how are you going to find me when I get lost trying to find my car?

7. See numbers 1-6.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Money, Money, Mon-EY, MON-AY

What good is free money if I can't use until March or April? I need books now. I will have failed my courses without books by then.

I should not complain too much. It is free money, but the school modified my loan amount without my permission to get me another grant. I love grants, but like I said, what good is free money later, if I need real money now, (even if it comes with a horrible interest rate)?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Me? Bitter? Nah....

Dear Mr. Advisor Guy:

I just did a degree audit. I found the following note regarding the Hated-Political-Science class that I just completed:


I only took this class because you advised me to. I informed you that I had taken two other hated-political-science classes at other schools that should have covered this credit. I waisted time and money on this class when I really needed to be in other classes for my major. Now, instead of having all fifteen credits of Fall '06 count toward graduation, only 12 do. I want to graduate by May '08, and I don't have time for anymore useless credits or credit reductions. What are you going to do to help me rectify this situation? I want my waisted time back. I'll settle for a financial credit for a class for this Spring '07 semester. Please advise.


A/K/A The Disgruntled Student

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Even More Pictures...

Here are a few of my latest from my camera. You have no idea how happy it makes me to be able to take these picutes and email and text them to every one! I love it!
My Lil' Star

Thanks, Danielle S.!

Samantha (my niece) and Maddie at play

Daniel (my nephew) being himself

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

I trust that you all had a great New Year's celebration, or at least a safe one. Me? I stayed up too late and am still sleep deprived.

How's the font color now? Better or Worse? Sounding like an eye doc yet?