Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's September Already!

The school year has been going by so quickly that I have been barely keeping up.... well, at least with this. I've been very busy with school and work. My school schedule starts at 8am two days of the week. Madeline is not too happy about that. You would think she'd be fine; afterall, this is the same girl who would always be up by 6:30 no matter which day of the week. This morning, I entered her bedroom, ready to wake up my sleepy monster, but she was ready for me.

"Madeline, time to get up!"

"Mommy, I'm still sleepin'!"

"Madeline, the sun's up, it's time to get up! We have to go to school!"

"Mommy, my sun's not up. I'm not ready to wake up."

I had to leave the room because I was laughing so hard.... Just another day....