Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I'm turning into one of THEM. You know, THEM. Either my mother or a screaming, raging escrow person. Yikes. Either way it's not good. I think I now have the company logo on my forehead, I even had a dream about work the other night. Wow. Yikes. And Gadzooks.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Birthday

Is it weird to wish someone happy birthday when you haven't seen them for literally years?

Yesterday was the birthday of one of my friends from grade school and junior high. She and I faught like sisters, giggled like little girls at 15 and got into trouble at ages thought to be too young. We got caught stealing cigarettes from my mom in the 5th grade and shaving our legs before I was supposed to the same year. We were "so over" playing with Barbies and dolls. We were trying to grab boys' attention by the 6th grade. She was much more successful than I was. She got me crushing on a guy I knew from around. And she got him crushing on her. Drama, Drama, Drama. Every year I think of her on her birthday and wonder where she is. The last time I heard from her was August of 2002. She was thinking of going into the Navy, I think. Going to Florida to check it out at least. I was headed to Northwest Missouri State University and madly in love. So times change. I'm pretty sure she's not in the military, and pretty sure I'm not madly in love with anyone. But let me check again, nope still not madly in love! I saw her sister at this past New Year's, so I'm sure she got a full report on my behavior that night. Nice, huh? Yesterday she turned 22. Happy birthday, Leslie. I hope all is well in your world now. Really.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Another week down... Did anybody notice how insanely quick it went? Ok, maybe it was just me. Last week I was trying to hold down the fort at the office without the closer. It was interesting. I did my FIRST closing. It went very well. They didn't ask me anything that I couldn't give an answer to and the seller was very patient with me when I was going very slowing through his documents. Fun Times.

Took my final for Math 208 at University of phoenix on Saturday... Got 258/250. Yea me! Starting a new math class on December 3rd. Not so excited, but it was that or some sort of nutrition class, and math just makes more sense to me right now. I am applying to CMSU and need to send them transcripts from all over and get nickled and dimed for that. One school charges like $7 one charges $2. Insane and I only have like 4 schools to get transcripts from, that's all. Wow. Hopefully CMSU will work with me on getting this teaching thing nailed down.

The more I work in the business world, the more I don't want to. The more I want to be a teacher. You could say I'm still stuck in high school, and maybe I am, but that's where I want to teach. In a high school. Harrisonville wouldn't be bad, but it would be weird. I don't really want inner city at first either, unless I student teach there or something. We'll see what happens. This is really what I want to do, but it's going to take almost 2 years at full time for me to get there. And to think that I have to do this everyday until then makes me want to wait tables for meager tips and not worry about how I am screwing up anybody's life with their property ownership or their loan amounts. Or pissing off loan officers b/c I have too much to do. And maybe then I can afford an apartment. Maybe. Geez.

Sorry that was a tangent I didn't see coming.

I'm getting my hair cut today. Yea! It's getting hard to manage already after just 3 1/2 weeks. Gotta love this kind of high maintenance hair.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


There are a couple of new pictures in my photo album. One new one of just Maddie and a few in "my family" of the niece and nephew and one of my little brother.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

If I ever had too much time on my hands...

I know you're already thinking that I do, but really these kinds of thoughts hit me when I'm driving or talking on the phone or getting ready for bed or doing homework. I really don't just have time to sit and think... But if I did, what would I think through?

Think about it, really. What would you do if you could carefully weigh every decision you have to make on a daily basis? Would you make mistakes? Probably, we're all human, and errors are part of life. But if you could really have 2 hours a day dedicated to mapping out your day and deciding exactly where you are headed for the day, would your life be different?

There are those people who have quiet time in the morning with coffee or tea or cereal and the real world that is running late everyday and maybe has 10 minutes to collect themselves on the way to work. Personally, I have even been putting on make-up in the car to save precious moments at home. Sad times. But if I had an extra two hours to contemplate it at home, then I would make myself get out of bed ten minutes earlier and still be to work on time.

What would you do?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

He's Just not that into You.

Ok, so I finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought a version of this book, Face It, He's Just Not that Into You. It happens to be an abridged version and I'm not that thrilled about that, but nonetheless, I started reading it on Saturday.

First of all, I had the day to myself after class and finished 95% of my Christmas shopping. Very excited about that. Then I treated myself to an early dinner/lunch in LS, and decided to start on the book. I soon realized that if I had read this book 7 years ago, I would be in much better shape than I am now. That is if I had heeded the advice too... which is a big IF.

Secondly, I'm reading and laughing and nearly crying at all the mistakes I have made in my dating life. I'm going through the pages and thinking of this ex, or that guy and wondering how in the world I ever had a BF in the first place. I made every desperate attempt possible. And then some.

Lastly, I would just like to say that I now pledge to NOT, I repeat, NOT be someone's meantime. I will not be in the murky, gray area of dating any longer. When a guy decides he's interested, I will be pursued, and try to enjoy it for what it's worth. I will wait for him to call me. I will not call him. But in return, "No, you don't have a chance," doesn't mean I'm playing hard to get. And, "My birthday is in two weeks," means I want to go out. And, "Christmas is just around the corner," means I want to purchase you a present and I expect the same or at least a little thought. That's all. Really. There are a couple of guys that I have in mind right now. One that cannot take rejection and the other who I am not sure if he is rejecting me or trying to be a "friend." Either way, I'm done. You heard me. Done.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Taking Pictures

I'm taking Madeline to get Chirstmas pictures taken tomorrow... Very exciting times. We've got the dress, we've got the props (well, most of them). I have a really good idea for a pictures, but I can't tell you... It's a surprise for my dad, and he's been known to sneak in here and read this once in awhile, though he never comments here.

Yes, I'm planning for Christmas already. I have about 7 or 8 people left to buy for. I have no idea what to get my older brother or sister in law for that matter. Maybe a dinner date package with free babysitting? That might be what I do... Now the time to babysit... Hmm... maybe I'll go in with my little brother and get something nice. We'll see.

I'm bummed b/c my Grandma and Grandpa C are having Thanksgiving this Saturday, and I have school. Mom and Dad are taking Maddie so at least I'll have a little time to myself when I get home, but I need to be at class.

Not too much going on... Have a great day!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Staying home with Madeline

So on Monday, I get a call at work that my little one had a fever and needed to be picked up right away. Luckily, it was about lunch time and my mother could jet over there and pick her up. I finished up a few things and went home. She didn't have the flu, thank goodness, just stuffy head cold virus stuff accompanied with a fever. Lucky me.

So Monday, rather than tick-or-treating, we ended up at Urgent Care at Children's Mercy South. Great place, but not exacly a place that one WANTS to be. But great nonetheless. Her fever had spiked to 102 degrees Farenheit. I won't share what tests they want little girls to take with fevers that high, but it's no fun.

Tuesday morning, still has a fever, still coughing, still sniffling, and still grumping and clinging and lovey at the same time, if that makes sense. By Tuesday evening, she was much better, and running and giggling, though starting to lose her voice.

Wednesday morning, fever comes back. Still coughing and sniffly and really grumpy since the coughing kept her awake during the night. Two long naps on Wednesday and some attempts at potty training later-- She's taking her diaper off and running around like a normal toddler.

The cough is really keeping her from sleeping, but on Monday, it was still "in her head" and had not spead to her chest where they can offer any releaf for her. I think that I am supposed to take her back in the next couple of days if she's not over the cough. So much for extra vacation time.

But all's well now. Except that I think I have it. It's either that or killer allergies.