Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Busy Weekend...

This last weekend, which included the birthday party hubbub, was crazy busy. I'm releaved that it's over, but the rest of the summer will be just as busy. Madeline is really growing up before my eyes. I have to remind her sometimes that she still may need my help sometimes (like when she reaches for my scissors!). But lately, she's been extra cute, too.

Maddie: (On Sunday morning) "Mom, am I still four?"
Me: "Yes, you're still four. You can't go back to being three."
Maddie: "I'm almost five?!?!" [wide-eyed with excitement]
Me: "Don't push it!"

I don't know how she jumped from wondering if she was still four to being almost five. She is really looking forward to five because she'll be going to kindergarten and be a "school-ager" then. Oh boy!


Unknown said...

I'm almost 5! LOL That is a riot ;)