Monday, December 31, 2007

Bringing in 2008

Every year I make a stupid resolution, and I feel compelled to follow it for a couple of weeks. Later, I completely forget about it and get too busy with other stuff to care. I do have some on-going self-improvements/goals that I will be working on:

1. Just saying NO, when I want to. This year, somehow, I have reverted to someone that I used to be in doing everything I can for everyone else that I can until I am physically exhausted. I'm working on it. Do you remember high school? Danielle S. told me more than once that I should have painted my little green car yellow and charge a fair. I feel like I am back there again. Really. When I say that I don't want to do something, darn-it, I mean no. Don't guilt trip me, just respect my answer. I'm a busy person. Busier than lots of other people. Right now, technically, I have three jobs, and I'm not done with my 20 page thesis. I need to pay attention to me for awhile. Seriously, people.

2. Time management is a big issue with me. I have to get used to the idea that I can't watch Grey's and Ugly Betty every week, if I have an assignment due. Not that I'll even have to chance to watch them if they don't give the writers what they want.

3. Graduating!!!!!!!!! I'm set to graduate December of 2008 with a Bachelor's of Science in Education/English. I'm ready to be done with school. 24 credit hours to go, baby!

4. Being more attentive to Madeline. Like right now. We are at my parents' house, but they are not home. She's watching a movie, and I'm doing this. We could be playing a game or something.

5. Clearing out the bitterness and fear that hold me back. I'm not going to say much here, but this is something that I work on daily, and I'm glad that I have people around to encourage me along the way. I don't know what I would do without my family and friends.


Lisa C said...

sound like good goals. congrats on the upcoming graduation!