Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Short Story...

I am enjoying my classes. I really am. Last night I finally met my creative writing Professor-- Dr. Williamson. Last night, I parked in what has become my usual, the visitor's parking and trekked to class. It's not a long walk really. Well, it's long compared to walking into Wal-Mart, but for a college campus, not far. I got to my building after nearly being mauled by a squirrel (seriously) to be "greeted" by a smoking (and I don't mean "hot") red neck in flannel. Nice representation of CMSU, buddy. Then I dug through my change to compile a dollar for dinner (20 oz. Dr. Pepper). I scrambled up the stairs and finished a little reading for the class. The time was then 6pm (time to start) and who struts in? The red neck. No joke. Dr. Williamson walks in with cowboy boots, jeans, flannel jacket and Pall Malls sticking out of his tee shirt pocket. It was the craziest thing ever. Weird.

Toward the end of class, we got into how we are shaped by other people's writing and that we should not get caught up in the political agenda of schools broadening our horizons for us, and not following all the "rules" we are used to. But we have to write a paper that is at least 10 pages, the main character cannot die, and it cannot be about "Harry Potter-like" stuff. How about them apples, huh? It's a class able unconventional writing that we have to write conventionally. I still have NO IDEA what to write about (ideas from you would be great). I'm thinking something humorous, but the idea I have, I liked at first, but not for a 10 page story. Blah. Help. That's my class in a nutshell.


Kelly said...

One of my favorite books that I read in college (and numerous times after) is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I read it for a literature class about Science Fiction - go figure. Its about kids though, and really there are a lot of themes to talk about in the book. Just throwing that out there! ;)