1. Write Short Story... due Monday 2/27
2. Plan menu for dinners this week (fish sticks won't cut it)
3. Do Dishes... Yuck!
4. Check into internet prices in Harrisonville so I can take 2 summer classes online at my home.
5. Balance checkbook (yuck)
6. Clean out refidgerator (double yuck)
7. Laundry
8. Wait for IRS refund check (patience)
9. Renew my FAFSA for 2006-07
10. Study for Educational Psychology test... 2/22
11. Celebrate knowing that I won't be in escrow for the rest of my life...
12. Check into Warrensburg apartment prices!!
13. Pray about Warrensburg apartment prices.
14. Make a final decision about moving to Warrensburg, and get this degree DONE!
15. Email Q104 about how happy I am that they have the Listen On-line option now!
16. Finish my work "to do list"
17. Finish the work on my work "to do list."
18. Ponder exactly how I have 44 contacts in my phone and call about 10 of them.
19. Remember to not pray for patience anymore... teething toddlers are no fun!
20. Wash the car, inside and out.
21. Remember to take Madeline's diapers into the daycare tomorrow morning.
22. Act like I know what I'm talking about tonight at class, since I DIDN'T read the short stories this week. Oops.
23. Pay bills, elec., gas, and credit cards.
What do you have to do?