This weekend we are having a "lazy" weekend. This simply means we're not going anywhere, not that we're not getting stuff (like homework and laundry) done at home. But we are making time for movies. Yesterday we were "snuggling in," as we call it, to watch a movie. Here's the conversation:
Me: Maddie, I'm pretty comfortable. How about you?
Madeline: Yep, I'm pretty.
Me: You mean pretty comfortable?
Madeline: Nope, I'm just pretty, Mom!
We both giggled for about ten minutes afterward! It was so cute. When we would stop giggling, we would look at each other and start up again!
Today, she made a "tent" in the living room. By "tent" I mean any and all of the available blankets, pillows and sheets in the entire apartment are in the middle of my living room floor! She's sleeping there now. As long as she stays there and doesn't try to crawl into my bed, I don't mind at all.
Madeline's latest thing is drawing pictures. She's been drawing pictures of me, in fact. She always writes "Mama" on them too. I have a sneaking suspicion that she does this because "mama" is easier (faster) to write than "Madeline"!
As some of you know, Madeline switched preschool/daycare facilities this last summer. Since then, she's had a difficult time adjusting to the new one. I think that she was getting away with alot, and I mean alot, at the the former daycare that she shouldn't have been, and I wasn't being told about it. It took her awhile, but at the new place she's finally found her stride with the teacher and the other kids. Her teacher paid her a huge compliment this week by telling me that Maddie was now one of her easier kids to have in class. She said that Madeline loves to learn during class time and pays attention really well and during their play or free time rarely causes (or finds) trouble. I'm so glad to hear that. But, then, I knew that she had it in her. She can be so, so good for me at home.
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