A Response to "What Schools Need to Succeed" by Stan Archie, Kansas City Star, April 4, 2008
Urban schools, including (and perhaps especially) the Kansas City school district, are in serious need of re-vamping. It's time for parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members to be concerned about the students in the district. What are they learning, and from whom they are learning? In all of this I agree with Stan Archie.
Also, parents do need to take responsibility for their children and how they act. In this too, I agree with Archie. Parents do need to be involved with their children and their learning. As a parent, I am responsible for how my daughter acts with me and at school. I am responsible for what she sees when she is at home. In that way, I am her teacher. Or at least a teacher, to her.
Archie asserts, "Teachers are not parents, and parents are not teachers. Both jobs are unique and not interchangeable" (Archie B8, KC Star). I agree that as a teacher, I am not responsible in the same way that parents are for the students, but as a parent, I am a teacher to my daughter. I was her first teacher and will (hopefully) always be around to teach and help her along her way in life.
I think if parents thought of themselves as teachers, they would have a new outlook on parenting. Being a parents is made up of being a teacher, a doctor (at least a nurse), fan, behavior specialist, counselor, tour guide, disciplinarian, and many other things all in one.
Let's encourage all parents to take responsibility for their children's learning--don't just say that it's the teacher's job. Parents need to be involved with helping their children with their homework and making sure that they are being involved in school. Teachers are not parents to all students, but parents are teachers. Sorry, Mr. Archie.
Urban schools, including (and perhaps especially) the Kansas City school district, are in serious need of re-vamping. It's time for parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members to be concerned about the students in the district. What are they learning, and from whom they are learning? In all of this I agree with Stan Archie.
Also, parents do need to take responsibility for their children and how they act. In this too, I agree with Archie. Parents do need to be involved with their children and their learning. As a parent, I am responsible for how my daughter acts with me and at school. I am responsible for what she sees when she is at home. In that way, I am her teacher. Or at least a teacher, to her.
Archie asserts, "Teachers are not parents, and parents are not teachers. Both jobs are unique and not interchangeable" (Archie B8, KC Star). I agree that as a teacher, I am not responsible in the same way that parents are for the students, but as a parent, I am a teacher to my daughter. I was her first teacher and will (hopefully) always be around to teach and help her along her way in life.
I think if parents thought of themselves as teachers, they would have a new outlook on parenting. Being a parents is made up of being a teacher, a doctor (at least a nurse), fan, behavior specialist, counselor, tour guide, disciplinarian, and many other things all in one.
Let's encourage all parents to take responsibility for their children's learning--don't just say that it's the teacher's job. Parents need to be involved with helping their children with their homework and making sure that they are being involved in school. Teachers are not parents to all students, but parents are teachers. Sorry, Mr. Archie.
On a totally unrelated, but happier, note--here are some new pictures.
Maddie and Me
Maddie in a cute hat!
So Rachel-I know the last thing you need to do it read another book, but I just read one that relates to that article called "Letters To a Young Teacher" by Jonathan Kozol. When I first started it, I was pretty angry at all of the excuses made for the urban school and the urban parents, but the more I think about it, the more it began to make a little more sense. They author even talks about how screwed up the KC district is. My only problem now is that little to no attention is being paid to rural (and I don't mean Harrisonville. I mean the little po dunk towns in southern MO) education, and there are just as many problems and just as much poverty, if not more, in rural areas. Blah.
Really great pictures, BTW!
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