This has been a great week. I'm almost sad that it's Friday already. I was sick last Saturday, and I think I'm still recovering a little. I'm still so tired. But other than that, this has been a great week.
I took a long break from studying (I didn't crack a book until yesterday). That has been wonderful. I do need to really hit the books this weekend though.
One of the best parts of the week has been going to the park and playing outside with Madeline. It's so much more fun when there's no pile of homework at home calling to you. I'm so glad the weather has been so great this week! We had so much fun at the park swinging, sliding, and spinning on the merry-go-round.
One of the other highlights of my week was getting to have a "slumber party" with my cousin Keri. We haven't gotten to really talk since before her wedding. We started talking at 10 pm on Tuesday; we hung up at 3:45 am Wednesday morning. It was great. That may be what I'm recovering from rather than illness! We talked about our family, our families, our friends and our schools. We talked about what you learn in college and what you should learn in college and what you could have learned just as easily in pre-college years. I was telling her about my dreaded history prof and his dreaded class when I told her that I really learn more history from literature classes than I do from history classes. My example was some Missouri history that I learned last semester.
Did you know that one of the stars on the rebel flag is for Missouri? That the MO legislator voted to be a "southern state"? that the governor and the legislator was run out of MO for this vote because it would be an upset to the Union? I had no idea. I thought we were just a border state. I learned this in American Literature last semester.
My cousin didn't know either. So I didn't feel so stupid! Apparently, I am not the only one who lives under a rock and falls asleep in history class. Keri said that I'm really just a history freak in disguise. I think she may be right.
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
Missouri was a southern state because of the Maine Compromise - when they decided that Maine would be a northern state and Missouri would be southern - I never thought about it being one of the stars on the Confederate flag though! How very Dukes of Hazzard! :)
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