Yesterday, I took a nap. Which, to you may not be a big deal, but it was a very long nap. During naps, I don't get anything done. No papers. No typing. No cleaning. Nothing. But you know what? It doesn't matter. I have one more reflection paper to write. That's all. I just have to study for my finals and write one stinking reflection paper. Then the semester will be over.
I'm waisting time a little right now. I do have a funny Maddie story though. Well, it was really, really, really funny at the time. Erin came over on Saturday to just hang out. We were teasing Maddie instead of me getting her to bed. It was Saturday, after all. I blew a raspberry on her belly. She giggled and giggled. Then, she did returned the favor on the side of my face. Then Erin got her face and so on, and so on. Maddie started just holding up her shirt so we could see her belly and show that she was ready for me to get her. Erin said to me, "Your turn!" I tickled Maddie's belly; Erin got her face. Before I could "get" Maddie again, she turns to me and says, "Your turn!"
Okay, it was really, super funny at the time. I can't even type this with out laughing. I don't think reading it will do it justice though. Anyway, I think I'm going to go to the Union to study. I have almost two hours until my American Lit Final.
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
Good luck on all your finals - and while the story might be one that you probably had to be there, I'm sure it was really cute!
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