An unexpected pregnancy made my life as I knew it completely different, but I wouldn't change it for the world. This is simply a sample of the jouney at hand.
Posted by Rachel at 10:21 AM 3 comments
1. No matter how many times my daughter hasn't been sick during the school year, she will run a fever, get an earache, and tonsillitis when I need to go to work.
2. I can be happy with less than straight A's.
3. Harry Potter books are much, much better than I thought. I read book four yesterday while tending my sick child. Yes, the whole thing. All 700+ pages.
4. Shopping around for my textbooks online will save me at LEAST $50. At least. Probably more. Even with shipping on each book separately.
5. All that I am thinking about is going back to school in a few weeks. I can't wait. It was a tough semester, but I'm really excited about my classes this coming semester.
6. I am not at all prepared for Christmas. Well, Santa is ready at my house, but other than that, nada.
7. I'm broke so I'm working; I'm working so I'm broke. Do you have any idea how far it is from The Burg to RMore? Over an hour. I'm crazy. But it's only for three weeks. I only had to work one whole day to pay for my gas for the whole three weeks.
Posted by Rachel at 3:04 PM 3 comments
I have two finals and that reflection paper. That's all then I'm done with my first semester back to school as a full-time student.
I made up my "plan" for the classes that I need for the rest of my school carreer. Sadly, I will be here until December '08, but my last semester before student teaching will be all the Upper-Level English electives that I need and want to take. Yea!
Posted by Rachel at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: school
Yesterday, I took a nap. Which, to you may not be a big deal, but it was a very long nap. During naps, I don't get anything done. No papers. No typing. No cleaning. Nothing. But you know what? It doesn't matter. I have one more reflection paper to write. That's all. I just have to study for my finals and write one stinking reflection paper. Then the semester will be over.
I'm waisting time a little right now. I do have a funny Maddie story though. Well, it was really, really, really funny at the time. Erin came over on Saturday to just hang out. We were teasing Maddie instead of me getting her to bed. It was Saturday, after all. I blew a raspberry on her belly. She giggled and giggled. Then, she did returned the favor on the side of my face. Then Erin got her face and so on, and so on. Maddie started just holding up her shirt so we could see her belly and show that she was ready for me to get her. Erin said to me, "Your turn!" I tickled Maddie's belly; Erin got her face. Before I could "get" Maddie again, she turns to me and says, "Your turn!"
Okay, it was really, super funny at the time. I can't even type this with out laughing. I don't think reading it will do it justice though. Anyway, I think I'm going to go to the Union to study. I have almost two hours until my American Lit Final.
Posted by Rachel at 12:00 PM 1 comments