Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ah, Breathe

Finals are over.

Summer classes begin on Monday.

City wide garage sale is this weekend. I need a dining room set.

I got my summer books via DHL when I ordered them USPS. Darn that extra $12!

I got at least one A and one B for the Spring Semester.

I think I'm going to minor in Spanish. I think.

I have Monday off.

Happy Birthday Harry S Truman.

I haven't set a date for Madeline's party... I'll let you know...

but Finals are over. Spring semester is over. I got at least an A and a B.


Danielle said...

Minor in Spanish. Seriously? WOW! Cool

Congrats on it being over. Congrats on no C's.

Maddie is almost TWO. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you - I just got done tonight - can't believe that your summer classes start so early - our's don't until June - congrats on the good grades

Rachel said...

CMSU has classes that start now, and some that start in June. I just want to get mine over with. I'll be done by 6/16. And thanks! :) I hope your classes all went well.