But Madeline's allergies make her a rare spotted toddler. The kind you see on the Discovery Channel... okay, maybe not that bad. But for those of you with children or those of you who want to have children... do NOT use adult sun screen on a (almost) two year old. Especially if she won't swallow liquid Benedryl. Just for future reference.
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
I think they have topical Benedryl....have you looked into that?
Poor girl.....:)
Yes, we had some, and it was not helping the rash on her face... she went to the doc today and she gave her a chewable and a perscription topical cream. Better tomorrow, hopefully!
Hey, is that what was wrong with her a little while ago when you thought she had the chicken pox?
It was a form of infantigo (I KNOW that's not how to spell it, but it's not in my dictionary). Her Dr. gave us a more specific form, but I can't remember the name of it. I was thinking I posted about it, but I can't find it if I did... :) I'm just wondering what other weird things she's going to get in the next couple of years...
Oh that's right. You did post about it. Impetigo I believe.
What you said!! LOL... I can't spell med stuff AT ALL... I'm luck to spell allergies right... LOL
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