Thursday, April 20, 2006

[Insert Fanfare Here]

This is my 100th post. I'm also edging on one whole year as a "blogger." Craziness. I was thinking that I would have something earth shattering to write, but alas, nothing much new. I have gotten some "sad" responses when I tell people that I am moving 45 minutes away from my current home. IT'S 45 MINUTES! And, the people that have said anything, I DON'T SEE NOW. I'm am extremely excited about taking this step into a new life. Don't burst my bubble, People. Okay, It's no one in blogger world. It's the real world that's popping my bubble and not looking back. But then, isn't that always the way? It's the real world that kicks your butt? Okay, that was supposed to be a little funny, but it wasn't. Sorry about that.

I have one short story to finish and an aesthetics paper to write in the next week and a half. I have no freakin' clue what to write my aesthetics paper on. I was thinking something along the lines of Grammar in America's Colleges and Universities, but my teacher made a big deal about "Whose Grammar? Yours or the Queen's?" So, now, I don't have a clue.

In other news, I'm positive that the terrible two's are coming soon... more on that in less than a month...

In other, other news, I'm getting a bicycle sometime in the near future (for sure). I'm planning on living close enough to campus to ride to school in The Burg and to the park from our apartment in the mean time. I already have the cute little helments and stuff!

Last (but not least), Happy Birthday to my dear (twenty-something) friend, Krystle. Hope you have a great day... see you Saturday.


Kelly said...

I drive 45 minutes to get to the MALL.

It's not as bad as some people make it out to be.....but it seems as though you've already figured that out.

Happy 100th! I'll probably be there sometime this summer, I guess.

Danielle said...

People get on Amanda all the time about how ridiculous it is for her to drive to CMSU 2 days a week and live in Harrisonville. Um, how about, how stupid is it to live away from your husband on your first year after marriage? Anyhoo..45 is not bad at all.

Happy 100th post!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Big News! Glad that I read your blog today or wouldn't have known about the move or the school news. Email me sometime if you can - I feel like I don't know any of this stuff until like the day before (or after). So your moving to Warrensburg and quiting CLT - how are the parents? Is Maddie excited or does she understand quite what's going on? When are you moving exactly? Can you believe that you have to pack all over again and you like only just moved in there? Did you know that DW and I are moving at the end of next month (just across the road into a 3 bed with Whitney)? Have you looked into places yet? Can you tell that I'm excited?!? :) I hope that it's a wonderful experience for you - for you both.

Rachel said...

Kelly-- Exactly! (about the mall thing)

DW-- 2 days a week is NOT Bad! I couldn't get my classes arranged that way or else I would stay in H'Ville. Tell her to take 7HWY to VV HWY to E HWY (which turns into 150) then east on 50, it's faster.

Jess-- I don't think that Madeline has grasped it at all. The thing that I am most sad about is changing baby sitters though. Every day I take her and they are so great... It will be a challenge to find someone as great. I sent out an email to "everyone" with a little more info for you...