Monday, March 13, 2006

Reasons Why Today, I should have stayed in bed

1. It's Monday. The fact that every Monday is Monday is a great reason to stay in bed.
2. I didn't sleep well with all the talk of tornadoes last night.
3. Sleeping on my parents' couch is not condusive to sleeping (especially when I woke up in the middle of the night to my poor baby crying at the back door [I think she thought everyone left her, although I don't know how she missed me on the couch...]).
4. Sleeping in the same room as my daughter is not condusive to sleep (she attempted to crawl on the sofa with me at approximately 5am).
5. Pain is not condusive to sleep or work. Story time: So I knew that having Madeline's middle name "Grace" might cause some ironic laughter later in life, but I didn't realize that I needed it so much... I fell TWICE yesterday. Not once, but TWICE. The first time, I was walking down my driveway after church (in heels) carrying Madeline. Side note, my driveway is old asphalt and may as well be gravel in most places. I stepped off the side and my ankle gave out, so I twisted my ankle and skinned my knee up pretty dang bad. It hurt. I was more worried at the time about Madeline, but she managed to "land" on her feet. Me? No, on my right knee then my backside. Ouch. Are you ready for the second? I went to my parents to pick up the laundry that I couldn't carry on Saturday, when the storm started raging outside. I went outside with my dad to put my car out in his shed to avoid hail damage. Right after we got it put away, it quit raining (only for a moment), so I took off for the house in my cute pink flip flops. Who knew the garage floor could be so slick? I fell the SAME way I did the first time (minus the ankle thing). Yeah, my knee throbbed for a couple of HOURS. It has a goose egg too. I don't think that I have ever had a goose egg on my knee; I could be wrong. But this is pretty dang painful. I took Tylenol last night in hopes to ease the pain. Yikes.
6. The receptionist called in sick.
7. Computer issues. Twice. Ugh.

Enough complaining. Back to work.


Danielle said...

Yikes! Put some ice one that, LOL

Rachel said...

big CHECK on the ice! :)

Kelly said...

Oooooo, my ankle does that too. Hate that! Can't say I've gotten the goose egg on the knee though....


Rachel said...

I wouldn't highly recommend it either! ;)