Monday, January 09, 2006

Why I have the Best Friends in the World

Alternative Title: Why my "Aunties" are the Bestest (By Madeline)

1. They're fun. We laugh LOTS when we get together. Laughter is good for the soul.

2. They are thoughtful. They actually wanted to see my new 1-bedroom place. And they said it was cute. Not that their opinion would have made me move out, but it's nice to know that someone else likes the place!! ;)

3. They buy me things... ok, that sounds bad, but it really goes with #2. My dear friends brought home-warming gifts for us. It was so sweet. I got everything from kitchen utensils to bath towels to TP. Lots of cool things. They didn't have to do that, but they did.

4. They help around the house... at least with moving TV's in and setting them up and clearing the table. Good times.

5. They are funny drunks.... okay, so one of them is a funny drunk, when she just says, "I'm not that drunk, I can still [insert something to do here, other than 'driving,' she never said that]."

6. They think my daughter is cute... though, who doesn't? Seriously?

7. They are fun in Wal-Mart.

8. They like my cooking... even with the cheap spaghetti sauce and "fancy" salad bowl.

Thank you, Dear Friends (Danielle W., Danielle S., Jessica, and Hannah) for a great time on Saturday. You gals are the "bestest." I don't know what I would do without friends like you.


Danielle said...

This is from Danielle W and Jessica B: Okay, now you need to change that part on your profile that says you are still living in your mom and dads basement (although it IS a cute little by-line). We had a great time seeing you and Maddie (Mo) on Saturday! Enjoy your new place and the new "fun" stuff. Hope the TV works :)

Aunties #1 and#2 (in no particular order)

Rachel said...

I can't figure out how to change that part... go figure...

And yes, Auntie are in no particular order... :)

Anonymous said...

This is Hannah-and Boy Howdy Saturday was interesting! I have to say that DS was a hoot, and miss maddie was of course the star of the show! What a doll baby! and Rach, you know that no matter what we will always be here for you! We do love your apartment and the spagetti was wonderful!

Auntie #3 or so.....