Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cough and Fever to Boot.

I love my mother. I think that everyone should be able to admit this at least once or twice to someone that isn't his or her mother. Really, I think that it could be very therapeutic. You are probably wondering where I'm going with this. Well, as much as I love my mother right now I am thinking, "Mom, you shouldn't have." And I mean it. She shouldn't have. She shouldn't have shared her awful virus with the rest of the family. Computer virus you think? No, we have "techies" (company people on standby as the home compter is shared for dad at the office) who can wipe those out. Not a computer virus at all. It's the dreaded kind of cold or flu virus. I only put the "or" there b/c I have never ached this much in my life from a cold, nor run a fever for more than a day from a cold, but it's all in my head. No comments from the peanut gallery on that one, please. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is not being a sick mom having to take off 3 days of work and hoping to have a job when I go back, no. No, it's caring for a sick child while I am sick. If she feels anything like I do, I know she's miserable, and I hate that for her. I really do. She's run a fever off and on since Wednesday morning and been coughing and sneezing and sleeping and yelling and not sleeping and yelling some more. We went to the doctor on Thursday. He didn't put her on an anti biotic. He said it wasn't that bad yet, and maybe it wouldn't be bad now if SHE WOULD TAKE HER StiNKING MEDICINE!!!!!! Grrr. I cannot MAKE her take it. She spits. She gags. She locks her jaw. She swings her arms in every direction imaginable. I won't even tell you everything. You don't want to read about this forever. Nonetheless, we are still much more sick than I wanted to be on a Saturday night when I could have had plans. Lots of invites for the weekend. Darn this fever. Darn this cough. Darn this lack of sleep. Yes, perhaps I should be sleeping rather than typing, but then who would hear my cry? Who would I complain to? And how much fun would it be to not complain, seriously? I hope we are on the mend and I will be back to work on Monday. She will be back to daycare. As long as the fever's gone. Her's has come back this evening. She was fine most of the day yesterday and most of the day today, but tonight, now, she has a fever. I'm wondering if she's just getting it from me. Maybe, we're just passing it back and forth and we'll never really get better until we have time apart and expose tons of other people who can deal with this in stride. Words to the wise: 1. Avoid me like a plague until I'm better, 2. Don't let my mother babysit if she "just really tired." My mother doesn't get "just really tired" unless she's getting sick. Another life lesson learned. Pick up and move on, Rachel and Madeline, and get well.


Danielle said...

ROFLOL. Oh Rachel, I am sorry I am laughing, but the way you wrote this..LOL. And picturing Maddie spitting and gagging with her meds..what a nightmare for you. Ugh! And poor sweet baby. (I am referring to maddie there, lol) Get well soon!

Rachel said...

Thanks... You like the way I refer to myself in 3rd person there at the end? Love that "fever" writing! Thanks again! Have a great day! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh rach! I have to agree with danielle picturing Maddie with a locked jaw spitting out medicine just makes me chuckle, but I know if i were wearing your slippers at the time, there would have been no chuckle! I hope you are both feeling better! These things in life only make us stronger! :)

Rachel said...

It is a funny picture from the outside looking in... not so much at the time though. Not so much. :)