Sunday, November 20, 2005


Another week down... Did anybody notice how insanely quick it went? Ok, maybe it was just me. Last week I was trying to hold down the fort at the office without the closer. It was interesting. I did my FIRST closing. It went very well. They didn't ask me anything that I couldn't give an answer to and the seller was very patient with me when I was going very slowing through his documents. Fun Times.

Took my final for Math 208 at University of phoenix on Saturday... Got 258/250. Yea me! Starting a new math class on December 3rd. Not so excited, but it was that or some sort of nutrition class, and math just makes more sense to me right now. I am applying to CMSU and need to send them transcripts from all over and get nickled and dimed for that. One school charges like $7 one charges $2. Insane and I only have like 4 schools to get transcripts from, that's all. Wow. Hopefully CMSU will work with me on getting this teaching thing nailed down.

The more I work in the business world, the more I don't want to. The more I want to be a teacher. You could say I'm still stuck in high school, and maybe I am, but that's where I want to teach. In a high school. Harrisonville wouldn't be bad, but it would be weird. I don't really want inner city at first either, unless I student teach there or something. We'll see what happens. This is really what I want to do, but it's going to take almost 2 years at full time for me to get there. And to think that I have to do this everyday until then makes me want to wait tables for meager tips and not worry about how I am screwing up anybody's life with their property ownership or their loan amounts. Or pissing off loan officers b/c I have too much to do. And maybe then I can afford an apartment. Maybe. Geez.

Sorry that was a tangent I didn't see coming.

I'm getting my hair cut today. Yea! It's getting hard to manage already after just 3 1/2 weeks. Gotta love this kind of high maintenance hair.