Thursday, November 03, 2005

Staying home with Madeline

So on Monday, I get a call at work that my little one had a fever and needed to be picked up right away. Luckily, it was about lunch time and my mother could jet over there and pick her up. I finished up a few things and went home. She didn't have the flu, thank goodness, just stuffy head cold virus stuff accompanied with a fever. Lucky me.

So Monday, rather than tick-or-treating, we ended up at Urgent Care at Children's Mercy South. Great place, but not exacly a place that one WANTS to be. But great nonetheless. Her fever had spiked to 102 degrees Farenheit. I won't share what tests they want little girls to take with fevers that high, but it's no fun.

Tuesday morning, still has a fever, still coughing, still sniffling, and still grumping and clinging and lovey at the same time, if that makes sense. By Tuesday evening, she was much better, and running and giggling, though starting to lose her voice.

Wednesday morning, fever comes back. Still coughing and sniffly and really grumpy since the coughing kept her awake during the night. Two long naps on Wednesday and some attempts at potty training later-- She's taking her diaper off and running around like a normal toddler.

The cough is really keeping her from sleeping, but on Monday, it was still "in her head" and had not spead to her chest where they can offer any releaf for her. I think that I am supposed to take her back in the next couple of days if she's not over the cough. So much for extra vacation time.

But all's well now. Except that I think I have it. It's either that or killer allergies.