I Hate...
- Cleaning. Any shape or form.
- being bored
- Laziness (thought I often am)
- busy signals
- turn signals on when they shouldn't be
- turn signals unused when they need to be
- being called an unintelligent donkey (there's more to that story)
- liking someone who doesn't have a clue that I like him
- not being sure how someone feels about me
- not being able to take care of myself
- fighting with my mother
- turning into my mother
- being wrong and not knowing it until it's too late
- being right, but the only one who knows that I'm right
- talking to angry customers when there's nothing I can do to make them happier
- being jealous
- being indecisive
- being overweight
- being left out because I can't get a babysitter
- being uninformed of the world, or my family
- being too busy for my friends
- going to weddings alone
- shopping without money to shop
- being hit on over the phone by a stranger
- having broken office equipment
- being on hold indefinately
- Not being able to get broken office equipment fixed
- being cold
I think that's all I can take for today... Sorry so glum.. Just lots going on. Have a great day.
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