- I'm no good with anxiety.
- I detest waiting for people to call me back.
- My bedtime is at 9:30. If I stay up later than that, I am crabby. Today, I'm crabby.
- I don't always follow directions, but it really irks me when other people don't follow my directions. Grr.
- When it rains, it pours. And usually hails.
- I don't like it when guys (that I've never met) hit on me over the phone. It weirds me out.
- I'm a procrastinator. If anyone needs tips, let me know later.
- I don't believe that my brother and I would get along well enough to be roomies.
- I'm poor.
- I don't spend mullah like I'm poor sometimes.
- I hate cleaning.
- I love Fridays.
- I have a three day weekend coming soon. Halleluah!
- My older brother can tell incredibly funny stories at 11pm on a weeknight when I'm tired and slap-happy.
- I'm blunt and quiet. I think people think I'm rude.
I think that's all for now. I think it's a little bit of a downer, but I'm not very perky today. I'll be better next time. I promise. Have a nice day.
I love listing blog entries.
For all your emo needs, check out the comments I left on Danielle's site. They should hopefully explain.
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