Most of my readers are my age, I think. That's all I ever hear from anyway, so for those of you my age... are you tired of "growing up"? Well, I'm not tired of it. I'm just tired of being left in the dust. I have to be more mature, and that's great. BUT, when I have people that I consider less mature than I am, less prepared to see the real world raise it's ugly head getting into home buying, I get extremely jealous. I, being the the real estate industry, consider myself somewhat knowledgable on the subject. Somewhat. So some of these people come to me to show me their homes and ask advice, and I want to scream, "Well, WHAT ABOUT US? When is it our turn to move out?" Can't I even afford a "manufactured home" or rent alone. And I crunch the numbers and stretch the pennies and realize it's going to be a long while. And I sink back into my advice- giving, sulking, still-living-at-home shell and still wonder when our time will be.
*("our" refering to Maddie and me)*
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
It'll come Rach! :) That sounds lame, but it will. Be patient. (i know easier said than done...). There are lots worse places you could be stuck living lol ;)
This probably won't be very encouraging, but I didn't get my first house until I was 50. I raised a kid just fine in apartments. Things will work out.
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