So back at it today... Not really wanting to even be awake and it's lunchtime by now. Maddie woke me up twice last night, I guess she was feeling the same impending doom that I was in the coming work day. But I think I'm coming down with something... I may need to be home tomorrow [insert fake coughing noise here]. I don't have much to catch up on today, which is good, but not. I don't feel like anyone even noticed I was gone. But this isn't the busier time of the month for us (always a justification for such a feeling). I had class last night and some last minute hundred things to finish up for that TODAY... So maybe I should work on that instead of posting, yeah... Probably so.
I have a family reunion this weekend in Ravenwood, MO. I will probably come back with a story or two of my disappearing daughter who magically reappears for food or diapering. Or a story of my father the family entertainment emcee and his cheesy routine. Alas, C'est la vie. What's a girl to do?
Prayer for the day: Lord, please, give me the determination to go the places I want to go... So this life won't pass me right by.
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
That is such a great title! Great image in my head. LOL
And love the part about Maddie disapearing and then reapearing when you have to feed or change her. LOL..
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