Oh, yeah... that would be me!! I have a paper due tomorrow, but who works ahead on these kinds of things, seriously? I haven't even read up on my reasearch... I'll be up late the next couple of nights. It's supposed to be 700-1050 words... not too bad, but then again it is b/c I haven't written a real paper for quite a little while. I don't really have anything else going on right now (that's a good thing), I probably need to concentrate some on school, 'ya think!?!?
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
Hey Rachel, what is your class schedule? Like the name(s) and time(s)? Just wondering!
With Univeristy of Pheonix, I only take one class at a time, and it's FlexNet which means that a good portion of the work is done on-line. We met for the first time last Wed and will again in 4 weeks to give presentations. I am currently enrooled as a Criminal Justice major (don't laugh) so I'm taking Current Issues in Criminal Justice right now. The last night of class is July 6th and I start a new class on July 13th that's called intro to Criminal Justice, same teacher same set up. Each class will be just five weeks, and new weeks start on Wednesdays for me.
Wow! It sounds really fast paced. Do you like it? Criminal Justice--Cool!
It is pretty fast paced, but really with one class at a time to concentrate on, it's not too bad. It's three credit hours.
If i stick with this major (this is a stretch from English, secondary education), I'll be done in two years. I don't want to be a police officer by any means. Maybe I'll go on to get my Doctrate in Psycology and be a Criminal Psyc, 'ya think??
Hey Rach...
So great to hear from you! I see your brother a lot these days... Steven... which is funny because I never used to see him. It's cool... I miss you girlie! I will tell Barb hello for you!
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