Look to the tool bar on the right of your screen and see that I added an album. So far, only 4 out-dated picutes of my daughter, but I have more to load onto my computer... Also, notice at the bottom of your screen an afterthought that you may learn something today with what happened today in history, or something like that. I have some Wizard of Oz pics (surprised? you shouldn't be) that I am going to try to get in here soon too... it's all coming together... and, it's almost Friday!!! YEA!! Have a great day, see some of you soon, others... well, just have a great day... :)
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
Hey Rachel-
1st- great Maddie pix! Her eyes are just so pretty.
2nd- you may want to check your Blogger COMMENTS settings because it looks like you have it disabled so that people cannot post under "anonymus". (I know Jessica tried to post and it would not let her) Just thought you might want to know.
See you Sat.
Thanks, Danielle. I think it's fixed now!! See you TOMORROW!
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