Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Summer, O, Summer, Where have you gone?

Okay, that is a little dramatic, but I am very concerned about the beginning of autumn, by that I mean the school year, creeping up oh-so-quickly. I start my grad class this year before my first day of teaching. Of course, I have meetings, meetings, and more meetings before the school year begins. And I need to have some idea of in the world I'm going to teach my students. Yeah, that might be important.

I started looking at the "Course-Level Expectations," as they are referred to here in this great state, and since they've changed since I was in class, I'm a little lost. So, I'm looking at them for a guide and I'm going to fill out that part of my lesson plans later. As in, after I talk to someone who knows what is going on, since I haven't a clue.

We've gotten moved and somewhat settled in our new place. I love the extra roominess of a house, but I'm already dreading that I have to be the one to mow the yard. Especially when it's hot like it is this week. I think next summer I will find someone to mow it for me! I am thankful for neighbors who have the same mindset as I do with mowing--every two weeks gets the job done! Not kidding the neighbors on both sides of my house mow every two weeks. How lucky is that?

Madeline was not initially excited about the move. I think that she is better with it now that we've been there a couple of weeks. Her room is the only one that is completely unpacked. Her play room area is missing a shelf, so therefore, the toys are not all unpacked. I'm already out of shelf space in my office, so not all my notebooks are unpacked. The kitchen is...well, not done. My room is pretty much unpacked, but I'm still in the process of deciding exactly which clothes can be packed into boxes that go in the garage and which can stay in the house, since meetings start next Friday.

Last week, Madeline and I went to Wal-Mart to buy her school supplies. We found everything we needed. And it's all Hannah Montana. Yeah, that's what I said. I was just starting to appreciate Dora, but now we have to move on to Hannah. Oh boy. I'm not sure what kind of shape I'm going to be in on the first day of school though. Buying the supplies was tough, let alone sending her into that kindergarten classroom. Where did the last five years go? Really?