Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bear with Me

Disclaimer: Venting

I love school, and I am thrilled that I have that going in my life right now. I really am. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have that going for me right now.

Recently, I did something unsmart. It wasn't stupid, at least not enough to be labled "stupid," it just wasn't smart. I emailed an old friend that I had tried to call before I moved. His phone number had changed. Who changes their phone number and doesn't tell a friend. So, wanting full closure on what I thought was a friendship, I emailed him. It wasn't the kind of email popping in your mind right about now... No, there was no cursing or drama. Just a simple, Hi, I'm happy. I'm hoping you are too, kind of thing. No questions that prompted a response. He responded with his phone number and a direct request to call him. I responded with my stupid closure excuse and that I would not call. If he wanted to talk that he could call me. I even put my phone number in the email...

He (gasp of sarcasm here) hasn't called. But now I'm having thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have let that friend break away. Perhaps, I should not have severed that tie. I know it's for the best. But we had been friends for awhile and letting go has never been my thing, but now I know that "it's" over. Whatever "it" was. I don't like non-happy endings. Though it wasn't a sad ending either. But everything has to end. I suppose I am jsut spoiled by the fact that I have life-long friends and when I have to lose someone that I have been really close to, it just doesn't seem right to me. C'est La Vive.

Okay, I'm done. Thanks for listening; have a great day!

Friday, October 13, 2006


My 11am class was cancelled, now I have to wait around for my 2pm class. I am "working" on a paper. You can tell how hard I am working, can't you?

I developed more film this week. One of the rolls had been in my purse forever. What was on it? Pictures from when Madeline was just a couple of months old up to her first birthday. She was so little!! I cannot believe how time has passed! She is such a little lady now, not so much a baby!

H'ville Homecoming is tonight. I am going to at least some of the game. Probably not the whole thing; I sincerely doubt that Madeline can sit still that long.

That's all for now... Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pictures of Life

I love taking picutres of my daughter... These are of an adventure with a catapillar... notice the "redneck" overalls? And it's not the "being overalls" that makes them redneck. Enjoy.

Some of the pictures I took vertically... I like some of those better, but you all would be straining your necks to see them as I don't think that I can rotate after I upload them here. Please, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life as a Student/Mother/Slacker

So, my program/major requires that all students have either a minor or a "cognative area." The difference? Cognative area is about half the hours. I hadn't declared and finally asked one of my advisors about this today... he showed me that I have enough French to cover my cognative area! I don't have to worry about it! Now, this may not be big news to you, but it is to me!! Scratch that off of my "Things to Worry About Later List!" Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog:

Okay, maybe a slightly reformed slacker. And maybe not a slacker so much as a procrastinator. I should be studying for my first mid-term, but I'm not. I should be starting a paper, but I'm not. And last night rather than studying, I watched United 93, and bawled almost the whole time. I couldn't help remembering all the fear that I felt then... Okay, I didn't even post on 9/11 this year... That's enough, Rachel (yes, I'm talking to myself).

I recently took in a couple of rolls of (gasp!) film into be developed. Two of the rolls were fairly old (a year?) and one of them had a few pics of our Christmas last year. They are really cute. I forgot my disk, or I would be posting them. I had one roll from just here recently, but it's taking longer to develop. SOMEONE (who I love dearly and will be my daughter forever, so is highly forgivable) switched my camera to panoramic during this last roll... They may cost more to develop too... I knew I should have just gotten the disk! (Can I make up for not posting pictures by having all sorts of fun links??)

What I have accomplished so far this week:
1. Watched Rainbow Bright
2. Bought The Little Mermaid
3. Rented Grey's season two, disks one and two
4. Typed a paper
5. Read Bridges of Madison County
6. Walked a mile (m/l, more I think) pushing a stroller
7. Looked at my midterm study guide
8. Went to classes
9. Ate dinner with a friend
10. Made it to the bank (in LS)
11. Had a weird "reaction" to Bridges of Madison County that kept me up until 2am.

To Do:
1. Quit thinking about Bridges of Madison County
2. Read Hatchet (for school assignment)
3. Study for midterm
4. Finish watching Grey's
5. Go for another walk (it made me feel better, even if it killed my back)
6. Pack for the wedding (Keri's getting married on SATURDAY)
7. Remind two teachers that I will be gone on Friday
8. Sleep. By 10pm at least one night
9. And remind myself that most of this needs to be done while Madeline's asleep or at daycare.
10. Tell Madeline's daycare that she will be gone on Friday
11. Sleep... Is that already here?

Is that enough info, Danielle?

Oh! And I had to post this for a funny...


  • Before I lay me down to sleep,
  • I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
  • One who's handsome, smart and strong.
  • One who loves to listen long,
  • One who thinks before he speaks,
  • One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
  • I pray he's gainfully employed,
  • When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
  • Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
  • Massages my back and begs to do more.
  • Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
  • Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?"
  • I pray that this man will love me to no end,
  • And always be my very best friend.


  • I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs
  • who owns a liquor store and a golf course. This
  • doesn't rhyme and I don't give a da#*.

Okay, I thought was funny... Laugh!