Wednesday, August 30, 2006

(British) Literature, Literature (for Adolescence), (American) Literature

My one o'clock class was cancelled. The 2nd of the 2 of the classes that I really enjoy on Monday and Wednesdays. Literature for Adolescence. I climbed three flights of stairs only to see the posting. I had been two doors down for my eleven o'clock class and did not see this sign. But I have to climb those same three flights to pludge to my two o'clock. Skipping sounds very appealing at the moment. Two o'clock is early American Lit with is really, really reminding me of Mrs. Cockill's class, for the reasons I didn't want to remember about that class. This professor, it seems, likes to hear her own voice and be right. All the time. All. The. Time. It drives me batty. I know that this is the stuff that we HAVE to read for early American Literature, but it's so dull. But it's all that's there. I'm determined as a teacher to teach what I can stand of this, and let the history books do the rest. That's all the literature is from that era is recorded history. Dry. Dull. I'll take Beowulf any day!

Speaking of, that's what my first paper is on coming up for my British Lit class. We have one translations of Beowulf in our books, but we have to find another one and compare the two. Fully opinion (which is my kind of paper!), and I can get one paper out of the way early. This is the third time I've studied Beowulf, so if I don't have it now, I never will! (Once in HS, once in Intro to Lit @ NW, and now!)

For art, I'm needing to find a current event to do a presentation on. But we can't repeat someone else's presentation. I don't present until October 26... I think that I'll have to wait until like the 20th to even pick a topic and hope that no one takes it between then and the 26th.

Jessica-- You may think I was a little harsh on the iPod peeps... but I have yet to get one iPod-listening-messenger-bag-toting-soul to make eye contact. No, not one. No, not one. You, my dear friend, seem to be an exceptional person, but then, you knew that.

Danielle-- Yes, yes, I'm getting old. The big 2-3. That's way old. But then it's not the number. It's the mentality, I think. I again heard a drunken weekend story that I believe would have abhorred my conscience being 3-4 years ago. A story of strippers in one hotel room and "girls gone wild" in the other. Chills down my spine. Great nipple story to you though.
I'm wearing my "Mom" bracelet today. It makes me smile just to see it. I got "the lip" when I dropped Miss Mad off at "school" this morning. As my late grandpa would have said "a bird could have perched..." well, I'm not going to say what he always did. She didn't cry; she just pouted. It still made me a little sad, but I know once she started in on the cinimon roll, she was going to be fine. The director was right there to help her into breakfast and get her to class too.
I think we're all settled into our place. Officially. I threw away boxes and more boxes in Tuesday's trash collection. It took three trips to get them all to the road. I hung up pictures like crazy on Monday; the only one's I have left at the Wizard of Oz ones. That's b/c I have 2 of those. I don't like groups of two on the wall. I think I'll have to deal, but I may ask for another pic from the parental units for Christmas.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday, Monday

I've been to college before. I really have. I just now have an insanely conservative outlook on life in general now. Well, maybe not "insane," but close. My wild weekend included popcorn and kisses from my daughter. I heard some guy ask another if anyone got arrested at his party on Saturday night. I think I shot them an accidental look of surprise. I shouldn't have. They are acting like college boys do, but it's just so different for me. Really. Maybe I'm just turning into my mother earlier than I thought I would be.

Another thing-- besides the drunken behavior talk-- no one talks to each other here. They're all too busy talking on their phones, texting, or listening to their dang iPods. Now, I'm all for technology, but I came to school so that I would have to be constantly answering phones all day. Really.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Too Darn Hot

The boys? No, they could never be.... It's too hot to be walking all over the free world looking for my classes. Seriously. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. Perhaps, if I shed a few pounds it would be a little easier.

I'm in the "Computer Commons" area right now... there's a baby a few rows back that the mother is "Sushing." It's cracking me up. I don't know why, but it is... I guess, just b/c it's not me!

I should be doing some homework now, but, oh, wait, what's that? I'm DONE. I did it last night and don't have a class until noon. I'm not used to working ahead. I realize that this is just the first week and I will have plenty to do in the coming weeks, but I am welcoming the break for now!

Okay, enough. Back to wandering aimlessly around campus.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Moving, Being Moved, and the Black Hole (aka, My New Laundry Room)

I realize it's been awhile, but I don't have internet at my new place and haven't trecked it to the library until today. My classes start in less than an hour and my stomach is going CRAZY with butterflies. It was three years ago this semester that I was pregnant... wow.

We're still settling into our new place. I still have a box here and there to unpack, but we're there for the most part. Madeline is still getting used to the idea of her own bedroom. And bed for that matter so it's going to be a little bit of a battle I think. But she has really cute bed stuff!!

I'm really excited about Mad's new daycare. It seems great... but she was not very excited about it this morning. She cried more than I ever want to see her cry when I leave her anywhere. I know she'll be fine, but I have to admit I cried too. No matter how much I think I'm doing the right thing here, I still have doubts.

I'm very excited that my new place has a dishwasher and washer and dryer. I cannot tell you how excited I am without you actually witnessing this goofy grin I have on my face right now. However, our laundry room is in the basement. I have to walk outside and down a hill to get there. And it's REALLY a basement. An unfinished on at that. It will be a little scary, and I have a felling that I'll lose some great clothes to the dryer. (Violen here please)

One thing that I will get used to is looking at college boys again. As long as they don't speak, they're perfect. Just kiddding. Sort of. Off to class. I hope you enjoyed the update. Have a great day.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Having a bad day at work... Only 4 days left. If you hear me whispering this, it's because it's my mantra (sp?). "Only 4 days..."

[note: I'm not as bi-polar as I may seem on here... I can have a bad day right after a great day and not be bi-polar, right?]

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Day

Thanks for your birthday wishes, Danielle and Jessica!

I had a happy day. Really. Madeline and I spent the night before at my parents so that we could wake up to a nice cool house for once... Before we were totally awake yesterday, she started singing, "Happy birthday to you..." Now, I don't know if that was random or what, but it was very cute and made my day! Madeline was soon at daycare, and I headed to "The Burg" (as I'll call it here) to cover some school/daycare/misc. Business. I got my $45 parking pass (ouch!), my info on health insurance, my promisary note signed, application for child care "help" filled out, and toured a GREAT daycare facility there. I'm enrolling my monster, I mean, daughter as soon as possible. It's a very structured daycare, that I didn't think I would ever want, but there is so much room for these kids to play and learn. They have a preschool in the morning with reading and music and art and science from 9 to 11 every day (and recess). I'm very excited about this place. Very. I'm mailing the enrollment form today. Yes, I'm that excited.

Went to LATE lunch with Danielle S. (who clearly sympathizes with me one being old, unlike DW... j/k). That was fun... it's always great to catch up.

I was going to go home and take a little cat nap before dinner, but I decided to pick up my daughter early from daycare and go to the park. Yes, it was hot, but she had fun for the whole 20-30 minutes I let her play. I didn't have a hat for her with me, and she was saying that her hair was hot (we did have sunscreen for the rest of her though, no worries). We caught up with "Granny and Pa Pa" at "Pa Pa's office" and headed to Longhorn for dinner. I only chose that place for the Chocolate Stampede. Yes, it was great! (And, bonus, we got it for free b/c I told the server I wanted that instead of the normal one!)

It really was a great day... I'm excited about getting totally moved and getting started with school. I'm ready. Thanks again for the birthday wishes, you gals are the best.

PS-- found my phone! (Note for posterity: always check your pockets)