If you haven't heard from Danielle or Jessica... I went out with them and a few others on Friday night. I was a little nervous leaving Madeline with a new sitter (not that it was the sitter that made me nervous, just the fact the Maddie's two and can act very, very two... that made me nervous). We had a blast. Danielle and Jessica called it a night (like normal people would) around 11:30 or so, I think. The others and this mom? Well, I didn't get home until after 2am. The last time that I stayed up that late... was... well... maybe sometime that Madeline couldn't sleep... or was sick... it's been years otherwise. Our friend Danielle S turned 23 on the 27th and we were celebrating.
But I lost my cell phone. Not at the restaurant. Not at the bowling alley (which was very, cool). Nope, not at the bar (where there seemed to be an abundance of men! Yea!). Not even at the babysitter's house where I picked up Madeline. I had it right after that. I checked the time. No, sometime in my 2am daze, half-asleep state, I lost my cell phone. It will turn up. I know it will. The battery's dead so I can't call it and find it either. So, don't call or text me. Well, you can call, just leave a voicemail, with your name and number (b/c Lawd knows, those are all in my cell phone), and I'll check the messages and call you back when I can. E-mail works too.
But it was worth it. Even if I never find that dang phone, it was worth it. Thanks for a great night out.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
So that's what happens...
Posted by Rachel at 6:06 PM 6 comments
Monday, July 24, 2006
Positive Thinking
*My mother's leg will heal. She will be less stir crazy... eventually.
*My daughter will not be two forever.
*We are moving to "The 'Burg" (I signed the lease and everything!)
*My parents will have to call and make plans to come over.
*Two bedrooms will be much better than one.
*One dishwasher will be much better than none.
*My own washer and dryer will be Magnificent. Even if they break.
*Having a little deck and yard (maintenance free, mind you) will be peaceful.
*My landlord NOT living downstairs is a definate plus.
All for now.... sorry so cryptic.... Out of time AND energy... never a great combo.
Posted by Rachel at 12:36 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
*I'm annoyed that everyone else in the county needs to go to Wal*Mart at the same time as I do.
*I'm annoyed that there are only 2 Wal*Marts in my county.
*I'm annoyed...gas prices.
*I'm annoyed that my 10 year old cousin is staying at my parents and requires as much attention as my two year old.
*I'm annoyed that I decided to take them both to Wal*Mart.
*Annoyed that school hasn't started yet.
*I'm annoyed that I'll be 23 in less than a month.
*I'm annoyed that I'm so annoyed.
*I'm annoyed that this all is not as humorous as it was last night in my head.
Posted by Rachel at 8:46 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 06, 2006
10 unspoken thoughts
I stole this from Missing JT Snow who stole it from Kami. Try it yourself - List ten things you want to say to people you know but you never will, for whatever reason. Don't say who they are. Use each person only once:
1. I want to laugh at you everytime I think about you. I avoid your family, friends and former friends like the plague just because I 'm afraid I'll say something I'll regret, like, "You got what you deserved." And I hope by now, you can keep it in your pants.
2. I have to admit that I wasn't sure about your relationship at first, but I am truly happy for you now.
3. You've been there for me since kindergarten, and I've always felt like we had something in common with the "country bumkin" in us compared to everyone else. I'm sorry that I didn't call on your birthday. I'm a selfish friend. Hope it was happy.
4. We've never been that close, but weirdly I know more about you in the last couple of years than I ever did growing up. Thanks for starting a blog.
5. Get over yourself already. The whole world is NOT against you. You are against change in the world. Grow up and face it like a WOman.
6. Listen to me you immature little prick, I don't care what you are doing now. I don't care that I am not getting money from you anymore, but I do care that what you think doesn't matter DOES. And that you think you can walk back anytime you want, you can't.
7. I wish I had the power to tell you, "No." I have the power in my head, but then you call and it's gone. Like magic. Like the magic we used to have. I would do (almost) anything for you. And almost anything to have you back.
8. I love you with all my heart. You are my favorite person on the whole planet. I never knew that one person could change my life so much, so quickly, so completely.
9. No matter what, I'm always here for you. I hope that you can talk to me about stuff. I know that I'm way into "mom" world, and I'm starting to sound like my mom... but I hope that you can always ask my advice or for an ear to listen, even if you never plan on heeding my advice or talking very loud.
10. You're so thoughtful. whenever I'm having a bad week. I know that you'll send something that will cheer me up. Whether it's a little letter in the mail, pictures or an email or a comment. Whatever it is, you make me smile. Thanks for being so great. You have no idea what it means. I'm sorry that I'm not so hot at returning the favor.
Posted by Rachel at 11:58 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Friday night was my dad's side of the family Independence Day celebration. We always try to move it around to accomidate as many as possible. This year we wanted to make sure my "little" brother was going to be there (he works Sat., Sun., and Mon. nights). We were having a great time. One of Grandma's cousins was there which Dad hadn't seen in over 30 years. Dad went over board on fireworks even more than usual this year. Probably to celebrate his indepence from children as this is his first in 33 years that he hasn't had at least one child living at home. On the finale round of fireworks, all the "boys" got in close to light the massive round of boxes that held the fireworks. They'd all read the directions, including my brother. When Matthew (that's my "little" brother) leaned into light his "box," the aerial shell blasted out of the box, and into his forehead and one skimmed the side of his face and his right ear. He was thrown to the ground. I was standing on the deck; then I was running. He got up holding his head and the side of his face. When he got into the light, we all could see that he had black powder all over his face and the hugest goose egg anyone had ever seen in the middle of his forehead. Hugest. He was bleeding just a little on the side of his face. That was pretty much the end of my good mood for the evening.
Madeline and I went home late. Got to sleep late. Woke up late. I awoke at about 9:30 to my phone ringing. It was my older brother. "Sorry to wake you." That's not a good thing to hear first thing in the morning. "Mom tried to out-do Matthew this morning."
"Well, I guess Mom was walking down the stairs into the kitchen this morning, she fell and broke her left leg. Pretty bad. Mom and Dad are at the hospital right now."
I was still thinking that this was a dream, in my non-wakeful state.
But it's all true. Cross my heart. Mom had surgery on Saturday afternoon. 6 screws and one plate in her leg right about her ankle. She's on crutches and moving a little slow, but okay.
Both of these happenings could have been worse. We're counting our blessings.
Posted by Rachel at 8:30 PM 1 comments