Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

This morning I woke up. I went to work. Now I'm at the library. Later I have a family thing. Next week Madeline's daycare is closed (lucky me). I have to go to the Post Office before I get back to work. Oh, the exciting days of our lives...

Welcome to "Our World"

Jessica-- so glad you got a blog... I know that I have your phone number, and I know that you have email, and I know that you have text messages, and I know that we have been friends since we were four, but this somehow seems so much easier... Welcome.

Visit Jessica at the Psych Ward!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Potty Training [Warning, may be TMI]

Madeline awoke before I wanted to. I set her up with breakfast snacks, Dora, and a new diaper and went back to bed [note that my bedroom and TV are 12' away from each other]. After the first Dora episode was over, Madeline walked into the bedroom, said, "Diaper change, Momma!" and handed me her diaper (she also told me what was in it, but I'll leave out the 'gory' details).

Then was bath time. After bath I had her sit on the potty. She finally went in the potty. She heard it looked down then gave her famous surprise face. I almost cried. We're on our way to a diaper-free home!!

PS-- please don't taunt her by telling her that I posted this in say, 11 years, or so...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Update, from the loony bin

I went to a not so sad funeral today. Well, it was still sad. I'm still human; I still don't want to lose anyone close to me, but it was a celebration. Pearl attended the little church that I grew up in from the 40's or 50's until 2 or 3 weeks ago. I will miss her, but everyone there today knew that she's gone on to a better place. Why do I bring this up to you? Because I played the piano at the funeral. Nervous as all get out? Yes, yes, I was. I played my first funeral.

Madeline's 2. She bit me today. Actually, about an hour ago. Still have red teeth marks. I bit her back. But I'm running out of options and patience for this.

Update on moving: I'm working in Harrisonville now instead of Pleasant Hill. Closer to home, farther from school. Therefore, I have decided that we aren't moving until AT LEAST August, maybe later, depending on what we find. I may decide to drive for the semester. I doubt it, but I may. I'm itching to have my own bedroom again.

I was going to post some pictures, but it's taking too dang long. Next time maybe.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We're goin' to the Chapel, and we're, goin' to get...

Mar-ar-ar-aried. Okay, not "we" as in "me" and "someone." "We" as in my cousin Keri and her fiance Daniel decided to get hitched this coming October. Excited for her? Yes I am. Congratulations, Keri and Daniel. I tried to find some embarrasing pictures to post, but no luck. Guess that will come later. Hee hee hee. Congratulations again. I love you both.